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'Clearing': A Healing Painting

This painting is so much more than paint and it's for sale!

"It works like a crystal!"

Do you need a boost in your practice, centre or shop? This is it! This painting is called 'Clearing' and that is exactly what it can do for you!

This piece is a statement with its 224,5cm by 103cm. It is ideal in the setting of a wellness or wellbeing center, in the entrance hall or waiting room of any kind of health practice, a shop where healthy items are sold, ...

Not only does it bring a soothing effect and harmonious atmosphere by its theme and colors, it is also treated with layers of healing techniques that will help you to keep your space fresh and uplifted. It's like having a really big crystal in your house!

Interested? Don't hesitate, just follow your heart!

This is what 'Clearing' can do for you:

* soothing, relaxing and harmonising atmosphere

* clearing blocked energies in the room and for the viewer

* decharging frequencies that are not needed anymore, charging zero-point frequency

* bring ballance between higher and lower levels and chakra's

* grounding

* reconnecting with source-energy

* restore trust in devine guidance

* helps to bring you back in the natural flow of universal love.

* adds playfulness


This is what a medium says about it:

'Toen ik samen met een vriendin naar de kunstmarkt te Schilde ging kwam ik dit prachtige schilderij tegen van Britta. Het betekend "instant geluk, pure zuiverheid en heling" voor ieders hart,... Je voelt meteen als je ervoor staat dat het verre van "een gewoon schilderij is". Het is de weg terug naar jouw kern en de lichtheid van het bestaan... Het mininumbedrag zou minstens 10.000 euro moeten zijn en daar stap ik niet vanaf;-)! Succes!!' CH

'When I went to the artsfair, I came across this wonderfull painting of Britta. It means "instant happiness, purity and healing" for every ones heart,... You can feel immediately when you're standing in front of it that it's far from an "ordinary painting". It is the way back to your core and the light of being... The minimum amount should be 10.000€ and that's my final word on it ;-)! Good luck!! C.H.

Techniques that are used:

* intentional meditation during the painting of this work

* collective symbols like trees, roots, pilars of cathedral, light, butterflies, green, purple, Fibbonachi-spiral and so on

* electro-magnetic pulses from a highly advanced quantum phisics device, applied within the layers of paint. This device that brings harmony and health is called miHealth from NES:

* treated with very powerful structured water with messages of universal love, cleansing the energy in the room and for the viewer, balance etc.

The aurasprays that are used on the painting are called: AURA SPRAY 15 and BEAUTYSPRAY 15 from AQwaTech:

A medium, ... taxated the value at 4000€!

Some details in the painting, some animals that make it playfull...

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